Blogging Meme

I’ve been tagged in a blogging meme by my online friend Arjana Blazic @abfromz.  Here you can read her blog post titled Eleven. 

The blogging task includes:
  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
So here I go:
11 random facts about me

  1. I’m a mum to two gorgeous young men.
  2. I was born and spent the first decade of my life in Samoa. Now I live in New Zealand.
  3. I am proud of my Samoan heritage and proudly wear the woman’s malu.
  4. I joined Twitter in 2008.
  5. I recently travelled right around the world as part of a TeachNZ sabbatical and met heaps of amazing global educators who I had connected with via twitter and Facebook.
  6. I love to snorkel and my favourite place to see fish is off Rakino Island.
  7. I can bird watch for hours and enjoy visiting Tiritirimatangi a bird sanctuary in the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland New Zealand. I always see a kiwi at night when I visit.
  8. Reading is my favourite past time and lately this has included research and educator blogs.
  9. I hate large pieces of uncooked onions in anything.
  10. I am learning more about coding and recently joined the coding academy.
  11. I have set some goals for 2014 and have included attaining my Google Certified Trainer, and my ACE Teacher qualification.

My answers to Arjana’s questions.
1) What is your favourite book?
That is a tough question as it depends on how old I am/was?
I love to read and have read many amazing books. I will highlight the writers from Samoa for this one such as Lani Wendt who wrote the Telesa Series.

2) How much time on an average day do you spend online?
Too much.

3) iPad or Android tablets?
I love my iPad mini with SIMM card so much that I have given up my iPhone.

4) What do you consider the most valuable thing you own?
My Malu because it is a visible sign of commitment to my Samoan language.

5) What is your favourite way to waste time?
Genealogy hunting is my favourite way to waste time and I enjoying finding pieces to our family puzzle.

6) If a movie was being made about you who would you choose to play you and why?
Moira Walker -because she is Samoan and would take time to get to know me.

7) If you could have an endless supply of food what would that be?
My favourite dish is Fai ai Fe’e -this is octopus cooked in coconut cream with the octopus ink. My grandmother would make it for me when I visited her.

8) What’s the best holiday you’ve been on?
My recent journey around the world. However a sabbatical comes with responsibilities and I am still working on my summary.

9) What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
The worst and the best haircut was when I cut my own hair at 7 years old. I went for weeks without a fringe.

10) What three things do you love most about your best friend?
The way we can reconnect even though we might not have seen each other for long periods of time. The way we can talk about anything and everything. The way we both know when the other is thinking of us.

11) What is your favourite smell and what memory does it remind you of?
Banana cake cooking because this was another dish my grandmother would make for me.
Thank you  Arjana for tagging me. I really appreciated it and have put time aside snorkelling off Rakino Island in our New Zealand Summer holidays to write this.
Lastly but not least when number eleven is mentioned, I remember the 11 weeks I spent travelling the world.
I tag you….@hanna_fale @SwanwickC @digitallearnin @phpnz @EmmaWinder25 @emmerw @1MvdS @annekenn @nzteachnology @MsBeenz @hunch_box @MFaaeaSemeatu
Here are the questions?

  1. What language do you use when you become emotional?
  2. What is your favourite movie genre?
  3. Who inspired you to set up your blog?
  4. Who are your mentors and why?
  5. What is one survival tool you would choose to take on a journey?
  6. Where do you like to go to for thinking time?
  7. Which do you prefer watching on the television, or live streaming.
  8. List 3x goals for 2014 and explain why you chose them.
  9. Tell me about your closest mountain, river or other natural landmark?
  10. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  11. Write your favourite whakatauki, quote or proverb and explain why you chose it 
Check out the google doc, once you have completed to see who has already been tagged.

2 thoughts on “Blogging Meme

  1. […] and learning in 3 minute video clips. In a way too she plays a part in #Edblognz because it was by tagging me in a #Meme that the list of New Zealand educator blogs was curated by @HelenOfTroy01. I took that over and […]


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