Te Ao Māori: A holistic worldview

Te Ao Māori is the Māori worldview, a holistic approach to life that emphasises the interconnectedness of all things. It is a way of understanding the world that is grounded in tikanga (customary values and lore) and mātauranga (knowledge).

Te Ao Māori is not just a culture or a set of beliefs; it is a way of life. It shapes the way Māori people view themselves, their relationships with others, and their responsibilities to the environment.

Key principles of Te Ao Māori

There are four key principles of Te Ao Māori:

  • Wairuatanga: Spirituality is at the core of Te Ao Māori. Māori believe that all things have a wairua (spirit), including people, places, and natural objects.
  • Pātuitanga: Kinship is another important concept in Te Ao Māori. Māori people are connected to each other through their whānau (extended family), hapū (subtribe), and iwi (tribe). They are also connected to the land and their ancestors.
  • Rangatiratanga: Rangatiratanga is the principle of self-determination. Māori people have the right to govern themselves and to make their own decisions about their future.
  • Whānau: Whānau is the Māori word for family. It is the most important social unit in Te Ao Māori. Whānau provide support and guidance to their members, and they play a vital role in the Māori community.

How Te Ao Māori can benefit us all

Te Ao Māori has a lot to offer us all. It provides a holistic and interconnected view of the world that can help us to live more sustainably and harmoniously.

Here are a few examples of how Te Ao Māori can benefit us all:

  • Wairuatanga: A sense of spirituality can give us meaning and purpose in life. It can also help us to connect with something larger than ourselves. Wairuatanga is enhanced in expressions and practice of tikanga (culture), kawa (traditions) and mātauranga Māori (traditional Māori knowledge).
  • Pātuitanga: Strong social connections are essential for our well-being. Whānau and other social groups can provide us with support, love, and a sense of belonging.
  • Rangatiratanga: Having a sense of self-determination is important for our mental and emotional health. It means that we feel in control of our own lives and that we have the power to make our own choices.
  • Whānau: Strong family relationships are important for our well-being. Whānau can provide us with support, love, and guidance.

How to learn more about Te Ao Māori

There are many ways to learn more about Te Ao Māori. Here are a few ideas:

  • Learn te reo Māori: Te reo Māori is the Māori language. It is a beautiful and expressive language that is at the heart of Māori culture. There are many resources available to help you learn te reo Māori, including online courses, such as Joining the waitlist for Te Ahu o te Reo Māori.
  • Read books and articles about Te Ao Māori: There is a wealth of information available about Te Ao Māori, including books, articles, and websites. You can learn about Māori history, culture, and values by reading and researching this material. Start with the narratives of your local rohe.
  • Build knowledge in Tikanga and one way of doing this is undertaking the NZ Certificate in Tikanga (Mātauranga Māori)
  • Connect with Māori people: The best way to learn about Te Ao Māori is to connect with Māori people. Attend Māori events and webinars, talk to Māori people, and learn from their experiences. Have you checked out the amazing Maori TV on demand resource that is available to all New Zealanders? 
  • There are also apps that are available to help in your journey such as KŌRA MBIE or listening to  Taringa Podcast.

Te Ao Māori is a rich and complex worldview that has a lot to offer us all. By learning more about Te Ao Māori, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Do check out Tangata Whenua place name digital maps now available for download. Tangata whenua place names | Toitū Te Whenua – Land Information New Zealand (linz.govt.nz)

These maps can be ordered from Down the Back of the Chair. You can find them by  searching for ‘Te Waipounamu and Te Ika-a-Maui set of posters’ or its product code ‘MOEA0021’.

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